聽著教練激昂的“1,2,3”的口令,相信運動小白也可以感受到競技運動的魅力。微風吹過,時不時還有白鷺掠過河面,這是專屬于深圳人的EXCITING TIMES(“一顆賽艇”時間=興奮時間)。
Luo JiaXin,the reporter of Shenzhen Have Fun,also joins in the rowing sports. For preparation, you should warm-up, learn the basic skills of rowing, wear a life jacket and protect yourself from direct sunlight. Later, you can pick up the oars and prepare for launching under the guidance of the coach!
Listen to the coach's command, you can feel the joy of competitive sports even if you are a rookie. The breeze blows, and egrets fly across the river, which consists of Shenzheners"exciting times".